Uncle Richard reading Esther 'Wombat Stew'
, she was very concerned that the wombat was going to be eaten and wouldn't even consider making stew out of her wombat-baby brother.
Isn't he just the cutest little wombat
New Years was spent in the Hollow. We packed up our warmest clothes and headed up to Northern Baltimore to visit with L & B and their little ones. Their little house in the hollow is quickly filled with the wild antics of a crazy 3 year-old and and an 11.5-month old wombat baby. We confined ourselves indoors to escape the cold (we have turned into tropical beasts) and enjoyed the familial environment, just chilled. Played with Libby's new deep fat fryer, we made maple-glazed donuts, yum. Represented Oz by forming them into shapes of Australia and crocodiles. Now I want a deep fryer, though I don't know how often I would end up using it for just the two of us, and we probably don't need the extra fat. I must admit though for most of the visit my mind and temperament just wasn't present. I've been really struggling with a new life in Australia, and now to be displaced once again for the holidays, really shook me. My emotions go up and down like a roller coaster and its really tough to stay in control and positive. Not really good for social interactions. Sorry for being such a downer. This was the theme of New Year's Eve unfortunately and I hit the pillow at 11:30 PM and brainstormed New Year's resolutions with my love just before we passed out.
Resolution for 2010: Seize the day and think positively - which can be translated to: stop being such a scaredy cat and get up off your ass to actively get yourself out of this almost-self-inflicted rut.
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