Monday, 8 February 2010

Melbourne Art Scenes

Some fabulous graffiti art that I've passed by while exploring the City. On a visit to St. Ali for brunch we found a whole project underway, decorating the entire alleyway (residential and commercial warehouse buildings) with mad skills - the purple tree house and funny tribal face are only part of the whole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,
    Found your blog via facebook and have enjoyed reading. Just wanted to say I appreciated your honest musings on your goals for this year and self development. Hope you make progress that you can see and appreciate. I too can be far too introspective so know all about this. Have a blog these days myself but it also serves as a grandparent portal into the life of Sam...
    We hope to be in melb for a wedding in July so maybe we could meet up.
    Take care
