2 O'Clock in the morning is now our usual bedtime. Which means that we inevitably end up waking up around noon, sometimes 2pm (in my case). Its a sad sad situation, one that we can't seem to break out of. Whats even sadder, is that at this moment the two of us are sitting in bed, 2AM, with our computers in our laps. This after I enforced a "no computers in the bed" rule for so long. Nothing important is getting done and nothing will get done tomorrow once we wake up by mid-day. Sigh.
I haven't been able to sleep so well in the past few weeks. I wonder why. This damned sleep cycle could have something to do with it, and just plain laziness.
Goal: To stimulate our brains with meaningful activity during daylight hours so that we can get to sleep at a normal time and break out of this crazy insomnia cycle.
Goal 2: to continue to regularly update this blog even though I know that no one reads it.
Good night, or rather good morning.