Something thats always on our minds is when is it time to move on from here. Our life (work and social) is never permanent, what with visa issues, job stresses and planning for a family. It was never our intention to stay here for more than a year or two. Where to from here? and how to transition out. We have gotten quite comfortable with an actual home, routine or sorts, and stability/respect at work. Only thing lacking is a social life, something other than work all the time. When not in the office, we are with people with whom we work talking about work. You can never get away.
Richard wants to move to Melbourne. I am not so sure about settling in a developed country just yet. I like the adventures we are having working in developing countries, not including recent bouts with nasty flu viruses. What about my career? And I hate being sucked into the consumerism and frivolities of modern living as I am apt to be. I am a sucker for Starbucks, "organic" wholefood shopping, fashion magazines, and such. I foresee weight gain as I once again am able to enjoy delicious conveniences and added expenses eating away our investments capital.